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In the Headlines

Press Releases

In the Headlines

Vietnam memorial reflects visitors' tears and thanks - September 2004 - The New Jersey Herald

Visitation from another war: Vietnam wall replica comes to Jefferson - September 2004 - The Star Ledger

Thomas Jefferson pays a visit during Bicentennial Week in township schools - May 2004 - Aim Action News

And Thomas Jefferson says… - April 29, 2004 - The Advertiser-News - South

Middle school journal project focuses on Jefferson memories - March 2004 - AIM Action News

Bicentennial planners seek ideas for time capsule contents - March 2004 - AIM Action News

Bicentennial Scholarship available to graduating seniors - March 2004 - AIM Action News

Historic Building Tour featuring wedding theme is rescheduled for June - March 2004 - AIM Action News

Town Crier announces the Bicentennial at annual reorganization meeting - March 2004 - AIM Action News

Fancy Dress Ball: Jefferson bash kicks off bicentennial; Township celebrates bicentennial with banquet, ball, honors to oldest residents - February 4, 2004 - Daily Record

Banner program brings attention to township Bicentennial and local businesses - January 2004 - AIM Action News

Bicentennial Ball is an elegant success - January 2004 - AIM Action News

Bicentennial ball yields gold for Girl Scouts - January 29, 2004 - The Advertiser-News

Bicentennial planners introduce design for expanded memorial park - January 2004 - AIM Action News

Still the Noblest Calling - December 2003 - AIM Action News

Countdown to Jefferson Bicentennial is complete! (Look forward to twelve months of events and activities) - December 2003 - AIM Action News

Jefferson is selected to host the moving replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial - November 2003 - AIM Action News

Winners named in Bicentennial Photo Contest (Entries on display in Municipal Building until November 1) - October 2003 - AIM Action News

A church is “in-spired”Presbyterian church marks its bicentennial with a new steeple - August 2003 - AIM Action News